
Affordable, Efficient, Transparent


Our silver is held in the one of the most secure locations on the planet, for our customers.The OneSilver token is your 100% counterpart on the blockchain for one gram of silver.

Silver, Gold's long lasting friend

Dating back to the third millenia before Christ, the first forms of silver mining and minting appeared. With similar physical properties, silver joined gold’s main uses from ornaments to coins. In the last centuries, silver traded as a medium of exchange in markets, shops and households. The use of silver in coins stopped around the 1960’s when the USA removed the silver from the circulating supply of coins.

The higher demand pushed central banks to melt them into silver bullions. Today, the interest in the investment value of the precious metal increased with the rise of the purchasing power of the middle-class in East-Asia, along with the scarcity of extraction lores. It is now one of the most traded commodities after gold. 

Silver, Gold's long lasting friend

Dating back to the third millenia before Christ, the first forms of silver mining and minting appeared. With similar physical properties, silver joined gold’s main uses from ornaments to coins. In the last centuries, silver traded as a medium of exchange in markets, shops and households. The use of silver in coins stopped around the 1960’s when the USA removed the silver from the circulating supply of coins.

The higher demand pushed central banks to melt them into silver bullions. Today, the interest in the investment value of the precious metal increased with the rise of the purchasing power of the middle-class in East-Asia, along with the scarcity of extraction lores. It is now one of the most traded commodities after gold. 

Silver as a store of value

As we already explained it about gold, tracking the real value of fiat currencies is near to impossible, the constant inflation, the regulations on fraction holding of banks, and all the other things that make banking complicated. Whereas precious metal holding is way more simple to bear with (pun intended). Its value is based on two factors. 

Silver is one of the most valuable precious metals as an investment but the price is still shifting between its uses. The applications of silver in batteries, appliances and other manufactured products needing silver added to the private demande makes it an even more valuable metal.

Silver as a store of value

As we already explained it about gold, tracking the real value of fiat currencies is near to impossible, the constant inflation, the regulations on fraction holding of banks, and all the other things that make banking complicated. Whereas precious metal holding is way more simple to bear with (pun intended). Its value is based on two factors. 

Silver is one of the most valuable precious metals as an investment but the price is still shifting between its uses. The applications of silver in batteries, appliances and other manufactured products needing silver added to the private demande makes it an even more valuable metal.

A silver-backed cryptocurrency

Up until now, owning silver meant taking the risk of owning it at home, and how many times have we seen a case of people running with the silverware ? The alternative was to store it in secured vaults in banks meaning commissions, and long registration processes to secure and keep track of it. For all of these reasons we decided to provide you with a digital currency backed by real physical silver. 

Easy to hold, liquid and fractionnable, our silver-backed token is meant to revolutionize the silver investing practices. The blockchain allows you to buy, sell and spend your silver as if it was your only currency. Putting your trust in owning digital assets backed with London good delivery silver bullions is the most efficient and transparent solution.

A silver-backed cryptocurrency

Up until now, owning silver meant taking the risk of owning it at home, and how many times have we seen a case of people running with the silverware ? The alternative was to store it in secured vaults in banks meaning commissions, and long registration processes to secure and keep track of it. For all of these reasons we decided to provide you with a digital currency backed by real physical silver. 

Easy to hold, liquid and fractionnable, our silver-backed token is meant to revolutionize the silver investing practices. The blockchain allows you to buy, sell and spend your silver as if it was your only currency. Putting your trust in owning digital assets backed with London good delivery silver bullions is the most efficient and transparent solution.

Our vision of silver

A safe asset

With the volatility of the crypto-assets market, the future is often uncertain. We are all amazed by the power of the technology behind it, but we assess with uncertainty the reality of various coins and other tradable cryptocurrencies. That is why we want to extend the reason for the existence of real-world assets. Not only do we want to make them available to everyone and in every possible way, but we also want to provide the cryptocurrency market with tangible assets. An asset backed by real value that makes a statement: your savings should not be depreciated, and we will ensure they retain their value. Our token represents this message.

Blockchainized capital

The future of currencies is powered by the blockchain, goods and services too. Making gold and silver available for every one is the first step towards a secure, transparent and trusting environment. Trading silver backed coins, in real time at spot prices allows you to take risks when you’re ready and seek shelter when the market starts to show red flags ! At VeraOne, we  stand for a more secure market. By making the cryptocurrency market a more responsible environment, we hope to enhance trust in the digital assets. Making trustworthy coins and tokens is making the market stable. 

Our vision of silver